luni, 28 octombrie 2013

Lou Reed RIP

Lou died yesterday, he was 71. I'm still shattered and in disbelief...see...The Day (OUR) John Kennedy died...Set the Twilight Reeling...

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Uncut aici
si marturii ale prietenilor si colegilor aici
Intre 1998 si 2008 l-am vazut pe Lou Reed de cinci ori...prima oara live and in person si am vorbit cu el, in 1998, la festivalul de film de la Karlovy Vary, unde a fost prezentat documentarul despre el, Rock and Roll Heart (care se poate vedea integral aici), unele, lucruri povestite in cartea editata de Ioan Big, Era Punk. L-am vazut la Lucerna la Praga in 2000, dupa ce scosese Ecstasy, in prezenta lui Vaclav Havel, fanul si prietenul sau. La Sighet in 2001 ?, unde l-am filmat cu o camera Hi8, pe lumina si cu un setlist redus, de festival, la Munchen in 2003, dupa ce scosese Raven, si nu ne-au lasat sa ne ridicam in picioare. Si ultima oara la Paris, in 2008, la salle Pleyel, cu BERLIN, in prezenta lui Roman Polanski si a sotiei sale, Emmanuelle Seigner, cu Steve Hunter la chitara , cu prietenul meu Misu, din primul rind. Si
l-am ratat in Slovacia anul trecut. Este eroul absolut al prietenului meu norvegian, Terje, care m-a facut sa il inteleg si apreciez mai bine. A fost o relatia nu sinoasa, ci si de love and hate, care a inceput pentru mine cu albumul New York, tras pe caseta, si s-a incheiat cu Lulu, alaturi de Metallica, albumul anului 2011 pentru mine, hard to listen si controversat si azi. Tocmai am primit inapoi cd-ul New York, crezut pierdut definitiv de aproape 2 ani. Mi-e greu sa scriu mai mult acum :(
"The news I feared the most, pales in comparison to the lump in my throat and the hollow in my stomach. Two kids have a chance meeting and 47 years later we fight and love the same way — losing either one is incomprehensible. No replacement value, no digital or virtual fill...broken now, for all time. Unlike so many with similar stories — we have the best of our fury laid out on vinyl, for the world to catch a glimpse. The laughs we shared just a few weeks ago, will forever remind me of all that was good between us."
si remeberance by Laurie Anderson, widow and friend aici
Lou was a prince and a fighter and I know his songs of the pain and beauty in the world will fill many people with the incredible joy he felt for life. Long live the beauty that comes down and through and onto all of us.
— Laurie Anderson
his loving wife and eternal friend (via Moonsun :)

Lou Reed -March 2, 1942 – October 27, 2013.

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